
Wednesday 29 March 2017

One Indian Girl by Chetan Bhagat

One Indian Girl by Chetan Bhagat

First published in America by Amazon Publishing in October 2016. Print edition to be published by Rupa And Co in India on the 5th May 2017.

One of my WorldReads from India

Where to buy this book:
Buy the ebook from
Buy the paperback from Speedyhen
Buy the paperback from The Book Depository
Buy the paperback from Waterstones

How I got this book:
Bought the ebook from Amazon

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

'Hi. I’m Radhika Mehta and I’m getting married this week. I work at Goldman Sachs, an investment bank. Thank you for reading my story. However, let me warn you: you may not like me too much. One, I make a lot of money. Two, I have an opinion about everything. Three, I have had a boyfriend before. Okay, maybe two. Now, if I was a man, one might be cool with it. But since I am a girl, these three things I mentioned don’t really make me too likeable, do they?'

I popped on to Goodreads to mark I'd finished One Indian Girl and was surprised at its run of one star reviews and the vehemence of their comments. This seems to be a real Marmite book! Personally I thought it was OK, especially for a romance read (which isn't my preferred genre) blended with scenes of pure farce. The eponymous Indian girl, Radhika, is a fun character to spend a few hours with and I liked her first person narration style. An overachiever intellectually, she is remarkably naive socially with a lack of confidence that struck a chord for me. Admittedly some of the dialogue is awkwardly clunky and, despite its feminist protestations, there's no great depth to this story, but I think One Indian Girl would be a entertaining light holiday read.

Search Lit Flits for more:
Books by Chetan Bhagat / Romance fiction / Books from India


  1. Curious now why the villagers with pitchforks were out in full force against this book. Is it because of misrepresentation?

    1. I think it's because isn't feminist enough for feminists and is far too feminist for traditionalists. So both those camps are angry!

  2. I wonder why so many people disliked this one so much? It sounds like a decent enough read. Nothing spectacular, and a bit simple, but a nice enough way to pass the time...
